We're a plural system, and this is our personal website!
If you're looking for a quick reference, the 📗 Field Guide explains who we are and what we prefer! If you want to dig deeper, though...
🐉 Roster: for a more comprehensive who's who.
💻 Creations: for our various writings, codebits, and whatnot.
🔗 Links: for stuff we find on the Internet that we think is neat.
🔮 Miscellany: for the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Happy wandering!
8/1/23: New essay! This one covers the 101s of healing in FFXIV.
7/15/23: Happy Plural Pride Day! A LOT of the site has been finished up. All bios on the Roster page are finished, and a bunch of essays and writing have been posted to Creations. Enjoy!
6/22/23: The homepage is complete! Added an illustration, site button, and formatting.
6/17/23: The Field Guide is complete! Barring copyedits. But yay!
Our site button:
Webrings we're part of: