
We're a plural system, and this is our personal website!

If you're looking for a quick reference, the 📗 Field Guide explains who we are and what we prefer! If you want to dig deeper, though...

  • 🐉 Roster: for a more comprehensive who's who.

  • 💻 Creations: for our various writings, codebits, and whatnot.

  • 🔗 Links: for stuff we find on the Internet that we think is neat.

  • 🔮 Miscellany: for the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

A stylized ampersand with a pair of similarly-stylized chopsticks behind it.
A stylized ampersand with a pair of similarly-stylized chopsticks behind it.
There's no single theme here: there's plural stuff, code stuff,
fandom stuff (have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV?)
, random stuff. It's like that old car that some people tinker with in their garage. While it exists primarily for our pleasure, you're welcome to explore as well! Who knows what you might discover?

Happy wandering!

This site is rated PG-13/Teen for: Strong language and mentions of sex, violence, and heavy topics. Individual articles or links may contain in-depth discussions of mature content and will be labelled as such.

Site updates

Our site button:

A simple black site button with the words 'Feasting With Ghosts' and a drawing of a fork.

Webrings we're part of:
